“When You’re On Injured Reserve”

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“When You’re On Injured Reserve”
Prayer:Loving God, we pray that you will comfort us in our suffering, lend skill to the hands of our healers, and bless the means used for our cure. Give us such confidence in the power of your grace, that even when we are afraid, we may put our whole trust in you; through our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Focal Text: Luke 13:10-13
10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.
What is the Injured Reserve List?
The Injured Reserve List (IR list) is a designation used in professional sports leagues for athletes who become injured and temporarily unable to play. Designating a player as “Injured/Reserve” frees up a roster spot, enabling the team to add a new, replacement player during the injured athlete’s season.
Transition:We gladly join in Jesus’ condemnation of the Pharisees and their religion of rite and rule over people. We fail to notice that our religious practices tend to follow the Pharisees’ model much more than Jesus’. Luke 13 calls us to examine our religion and to compare it to the call of Jesus to repent, hear his word, and practice it. It forces us to see that our security in our religion may be preventing us from dedicating ourselves to Jesus and entering the narrow door to his kingdom.
1. Her injury was classified as arthritis. 10 On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, He was teaching in one of the meeting places on the Sabbath. 11 and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. There was a woman present, so twisted and bent over with arthritis.
Despite the dislike the religious leadership held for Jesus, he still found ways to participate in their Sabbath worship in the local synagogues. He even assumed the role of the synagogue teacher.
Give attention to human needs rather than to religious rules.
1. Her injury was classified as arthritis.
2. Her injury caused her not to look up.11bShe was bent over and could not straighten up at all. She couldn’t even look up. Among the worshipers was a handicapped woman. Her back had been bent for eighteen years. An evil spirit controlled her. She had no way of escape.
Repent now of your sins and follow Jesus.
1. Her injury was classified as arthritis.
2. Her injury caused her not to look up.
3. Her injury was indefinite. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” She had been afflicted with this for eighteen years. When Jesus saw her, he called her over.
Jesus’ loving, caring eye picked her out of the crowd.
He called her forward, taking the initiative to heal her.
Have confidence that God is at work growing his kingdom even when you cannot see much evidence of it.
1. Her injury was classified as arthritis.
2. Her injury caused her not to look up.
3. Her injury was indefinite.
4. Her injury got Jesus’ attention. 13 Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. “Woman, you’re free!” He laid hands on her and suddenly she was standing straight and tall, giving glory to God. This time he healed by placing his hands on the sufferer. As usual, healing came immediately. The woman recognized the ultimate source of her healing and praised God.
Enter the kingdom by listening to God’s Word and practicing it, not by maintaining religious tradition.
Why was healing considered work? The religious leaders saw healing as part of a doctor’s profession, and practicing one’s profession on the Sabbath was prohibited. The synagogue ruler could not see beyond the law to Jesus compassion in healing this crippled woman. Jesus shamed him the other leaders by pointing out their hypocrisy. They would untie their animals and care for them, but they refused to rejoice when a human being was freed from Satan’s bondage.
1. Her injury was classified as arthritis.
2. Her injury caused her not to look up.
3. Her injury was indefinite.
4. Her injury got Jesus’ attention.
Religion or Reality?
You see them every Sunday. Dressed in Sunday best, they parade into the church. Dutifully they sit in Bible study and then climb the stairs to worship. They take hymnbooks or sing the words projected on the wall. They put their bit in the offering plate. They shake hands with acquaintances and tell the preacher he did another good job. Then they return home, take off church clothes, and forget God for another week. Religion has become rote. Meeting God is nothing more than listening to teachers, singing hymns, praying the same old memorized prayer if asked to lead in public, making a small offering, and waiting through one more sermon. Yet somehow this gives assurance. The preacher will preach their funeral, tell how faithful they were to attend church, and promise the family that today they are with Jesus in paradise.
What a parody on the Christ, who came warning the most dedicated of religious people that they were last in the kingdom line, probably not going to get in, because they had too much religion and not enough relationship to God, too much going to church and not enough dedication to God and his mission. Jesus came to call people to repent. Are you one of those whom he calls? Are you in danger of being cut down without another chance to respond to Jesus? Are you so busy being religious that you fail to see the kingdom growing in your midst? Has the wide door of religion accommodated you all these years so that you see no reason to answer the call to the narrow one? Have you read and talked and sung and listened to people preach about Jesus for years without meeting him personally as your Savior? Jesus went to Jerusalem to die for you. Are you dedicated enough to live for him?
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